The Top 35 Torrent Sites of 2008

4:23 AM | with 2 comments »

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The Most Popular Torrent P2P Software

4:22 AM | with 0 comments »

Here they are: the most popular 'Music Pirate' downloading software for torrent file sharing. This list is compiled from hundreds of user comments and reader suggestions.

1. uTorrent
(Known as both "u-torrent" and "micro torrent", this is the most popular torrent tool today. uTorrent has all the functions a torrent downloader will ever need, and it only requires 1 MB of hard drive space and memory. uTorrent has all the downloading and seeding performance of its competitors, but with minimal impact to the rest of your computer's speed.)

2. BitComet
(Good, but losing popularity to uTorrent)

3. ABC
(Another very popular Torrent client)

4. BitLord
(A popular tool that has a built-in torrent search may never need to use a torrent search web site ever again with this product)

5. TurboBT
(Nice-looking GUI appearance with this package)

6. Azureus
(A Java language client; was considered "king" of the torrent programs until uTorrent software came along and took that crown away.

Additional Tips

2:35 AM | with 0 comments »

Some people have experienced increase in speeds by changing the following values in
"Advanced" options:
"bt.allow_same_ip" as false
"bt.enable_tracker" as true

erval" as 600
There is another thing.. Do you see that "net.bind_ip"???
By entering your ip there, you can definitely increase the speeds.. But beware.. You may not
be able to browse net if you do that.. At least I wasn't.. So just try it out.. If you too
face the same problem, remove your IP from that "net.bind_ip" field
Here's how you can find your IP.. Go to Start -> Run and type "cmd"
Now type "ipconfig" command and it will show your IP...
There is a software by name "Full Speed" you can search it in isohunt or
Its for increasing your broadband speed.. However I have uploaded it for you guys.. here's
the link:
It messed up my browsers somehow but did increase my torrent download speeds. There is an
option in that software to reset the changes made.. So each time you browse, reset it and
each time you download apply the optimization tweaks.. And its not necessary that if that
software messed up my browsers (firefox and internet explorer), it should mess up urs..
Maybe it happened coz i try out every optimization tweak available or maybe my "tcpip.sys"
file got corrupt somehow.. Or maybe, a problem from the ISP's side..
Anyways hope you benefited from my article.. Enjoy !!!
Cheers to the developers of uTorrent... And happy downloading ;)

Speeding up uTorrent

2:32 AM | with 0 comments »

Well, uTorrent is an amazing app.. No Doubt.. Ok, mine is a pathetic 128 kbps connection..
So it takes me a day to download a 700 MB movie.. But earlier, it took me 2 days to download
a 700 MB movie b4 I tweaked all my uTorrent settings...
Ok.. Lets begin...

1) Go to and test your broadband speed after closing all running internet
appz.. Note down your UPLOAD SPEED..
2) gives UPLOAD SPEED in "kb/s" i.e. kilobits per second and uTorrent accepts
values in "kB/s" i.e. kilobytes per second.. There is a difference between the big B and the
small b.. Convert "kb" to "kB" by using the following conversion value:
1 kb = 0.125 kB..
1 MB = 1024 kB
So if your upload speed is 128 kb, calculate your kB as 128 * 0.125 = 16 kB
You can also use Google calculator for this calculation
Type in the Google search, "128 kb to kB"
Note down the value in kB as well..
2) Go to %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\which u run uTorrent to download files>\Application Data\uTorrent\
And now backup or delete the files "settings.dat", "settings.old.dat", "dht.dat",
"dht.old.dat". These are the uTorrent settings files.. I recommend that you backup these
files.. Just incase my settings don't work..
3) Now shoot up uTorrent... And I guess its showing you that "Speed Guide" window.. Fine.. U
can see that combo box with "(Current Settings)".. Change it.. If suppose your upload speed
is 64 kbps NOT kBps, select "xx/64k".. Where xx means unlimited download and 64k means
upload speed is limited to 64 kbps.. Select the closest value to your upload speed.. I.e.
again, say if your upload speed is 100 kbps, select 96k.. And click "Use Selected
4) Now go to "Options -> Preferences" and select "Connection" settings..
i) For "Port used for incoming connections", enter any port between 10000 to 69999..
i) Untick "Enable UPnP port mapping" and "Randomize port each time uTorrent starts"
iii) Tick "Enable NAT-PMP port mapping" and if you are using XP-SP2 tick "Add uTorrent to
Windows Firewall Exceptions (Windows XP SP 2 or later only)"
iv) Now under "Global Bandwidth Limiting", calculate your "Maximum upload rate (kB/s)" as
* 80/100 i.e. 80% of your upload speed IN kBps
Enter the "Maximum download rate (kB/s)" as 0
v) Now select the "Bittorrent" option and under "Protocol Encryption" select "Outgoing:" as
"Forced" and untick "Allow incoming legacy connections"
vi) Now go to "Advanced" option and change the following values:
"net.max_halfopen" as 100
If you have applied lvllord's TCP/IP patch, leave it..
Hope your speed increases...

uTorrent Optimized Settings

2:30 AM | with 0 comments »


Port keep it like 22, 80, 8080 or 8000

Untick Randomize Port each time uTorrent Starts
Enable UPnP port Mapping
Enable Nat Mapping
Enable Add Exception to FIrewall List

Then Options->Preferences->Bittorrent

Global Maximum Connections 130
Maximum Connected Peers Per Torrent 70
Number Of Upload Slots Per Torrent 4

In Additional Bittorrent features tick mark everything except limit local peer bandwidth

Change outgoing protocol encryption to Enabled
Tick mark allow incoming legacy connections

Then Then Options->Preferences->Advanced
Change net.max_halfopen to 50

Then go to

Download and run the patch.
This allows you to change the number of max halfopen tcp connections so you can connect to better peers. In the patch set the value at anything between 8 and 100 but keep it at 50 mostly.

The value that you put here will be the value tat you have to put when you modify the net.max_halfopen setting in utorrent

Also when you are downloading torrents, preferably use private torrents.
If using public torrents search in torrentz . com site . This site provides you a list of all trackers for a specified torrent on the net

Open DNS!!....get ur net Speed increased!!!!!

2:30 AM | with 0 comments »

You can increase ur net speed...By changing ur DNS addreesses.....

there is a server providing free dns address....

the steps for win xp are

1. Select Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. Click Network Connections from the Control Panel choices.
3. Choose your connection from the Network Connections window.
4. Click Properties button.
5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
6. Click the radio button Use the following DNS server addresses and type in OpenDNS addresses in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields.
7. Please write down your current DNS settings before switching to OpenDNS, in case you want to return to your old settings for any reason.

Preferred DNS server address for Open DNS is:
Alternate DNS server address for Open DNS is:
Open this image to see where to write the dns address.

For help regarding any other operating ask for help...or open site

If u r using bsnl broadband connection....that means u r using bsnl's crappy dns servers...they r d bottlenecks in ur connection....

DNS provide u have fast access to wat ur searching for.....BSNL severs are as usual crappy....therefore it is better to use open dns.....

for more info......u can logon to

any more doubts do ask here.....

anyone want to copy this .... plz do copy.....but don't forget to write the source....

My review

I am on open dns now.....I didn't experience any significant increase in speeds....But the speed has increased....and I feel like speed is increasing as time is passing....
I think that net speed will increase slowly....after the server gets to know what u do on net..

Utorrent Settings for High speed Download

2:27 AM | with 0 comments »

Hai Dudes. With great effort i have prepared this word document. This document will clearly explain the following.

All the settings are given with detailed picture.

1. How to install Utorrent.
2. Setting that have to be done in Utorrent.
3. Steps for Port Forwarding.
4. Windows Firewall Exceptions. etc

If u have any doubt the u can post ur questions in this thread itself.

Guide to opening up your router to allow P2P and file-sharing programs uTorrent

2:06 AM | with 0 comments »

For those just getting started with downloading and uploading files via a router, there's nothing more annoying that staring at poor speeds on your client server. To many, it's a trial in humility to both ask for and understand the help necessary to make your downloads actually work.


Geting started

Finding your IP address

Linksys router port forwarding guide

Netgear router port forwarding guide

For those of you looking to at last find out how to make that darn router work and finally "forward" those darn "ports," your ship has finally come in, as here I will walk you through the process step by step using language and pictures that will make even the most basic of users able to understand the process.

Now there are a variety of different routers out there, each of course having a different user interface that one must access to make changes to the router. The two most common routers used by individuals are the Linksys and Netgear models. As such, these are the two models I intend to cover, but with a basic detail of how to access and port forward them all.


The first step in port forwarding is accessing the router. The IP address varies from router to router, so check the manufacturers website or the handbook that was included when purchased. Next open your internet browser and type in the proper IP address according to the directions below.

For LINKSYS the IP address is and the default logins are as follows:
username = admin
password = admin

For NETGEAR the IP adress is and the default logins are as follows:
username = admin
password = password

In each case, remember to change the passwords for your router after logging on if you haven't done so already. Since the user defaults are widely known, and are exactly that--defaults, anyone can log on to your router and leech off your bandwith, or even worse, monitor your web traffic and perhaps even block you from logging on period. So it cannot be stressed enough to change your passwords after logging on.

Okay now for the fun part, forwarding those pesky ports. I'll go over Linksys first, with a Netgear follow through afterwards.


After logging on, you will see the main setup page. Click on the Applications & Gaming tab at the top of the page.

This will bring you to the Port Range Forward page. Here is where we will actually forward the ports as the page name implies.

In the first box you will enter the name of the application this will apply to, be it BitTorrent , eMule , eDonkey, or whatever . For arguments sake we will apply it
here as BitTorrent , with the specific client server program to be Azureus . So for Application type "Azureus."

For the Start and End Port, select a port from the reccomended 49152 - 65535 range. Be sure to apply this port number to the Azureus client as well. Type this port in both boxes.

In the IP Address box type the name of the computer's Ip address to which this is to apply. If your not sure what the IP address is, follow these easy steps:

  • open the Run dialogue box

  • Now type "cmd"

  • Lastly, type "ipconfig"

At the risk of stating the obvious, if you'll notice your IP address will be listed there at the top where it says "IP Address." This is the address for the compueter whose ports you are forwarding.

To finish last thing you want to above in the Port Range Forward page is to check the "enable" box. You'd be surprised at how a lot of people forget to do this simple task. Now click Save Settings at the bottom of the page and were all done. Presto, your ports are now forwarded.


After logging on, you will arive at the main setup page. Click on the Port Forwarding / Port Triggering tab on the bottom left hand-side of the screen.

This will bring you to the Port Forwarding page.

We're going to Add Custom Service, so click this tab at the center of the page.

In the first box, Service Name, you will enter the name of the application this will apply to, be it , eMule ,eDonkey , or

For the Starting and Ending Port, select a port from the reccomended 49152 - 65535 range. Be sure to apply this port number to the Azureus client as well. Now type the selected port in both boxes.

The Server IP Address is the IP address of the computer this is to apply to. If your not sure what the address is look at the steps above in the linksys tutorial for how to locate the computer's IP address.

To finish, click the Add tab, and then the Apply tab on the port forwarding main page. Presto, your ports are now forwarded.

Port fowarding can not only be tricky but also fairly intimidating if you have no idea what to do. Hopefully this tutorial will help you in that endeavor and so too encourage you to get to know your router a little better.

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