uTorrent Optimized Settings

2:30 AM | with 0 comments »


Port keep it like 22, 80, 8080 or 8000

Untick Randomize Port each time uTorrent Starts
Enable UPnP port Mapping
Enable Nat Mapping
Enable Add Exception to FIrewall List

Then Options->Preferences->Bittorrent

Global Maximum Connections 130
Maximum Connected Peers Per Torrent 70
Number Of Upload Slots Per Torrent 4

In Additional Bittorrent features tick mark everything except limit local peer bandwidth

Change outgoing protocol encryption to Enabled
Tick mark allow incoming legacy connections

Then Then Options->Preferences->Advanced
Change net.max_halfopen to 50

Then go to http://lvllord.de/download.php?url=en/EvID4226Patch223d-en.zip

Download and run the patch.
This allows you to change the number of max halfopen tcp connections so you can connect to better peers. In the patch set the value at anything between 8 and 100 but keep it at 50 mostly.

The value that you put here will be the value tat you have to put when you modify the net.max_halfopen setting in utorrent

Also when you are downloading torrents, preferably use private torrents.
If using public torrents search in torrentz . com site . This site provides you a list of all trackers for a specified torrent on the net


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